Camp Joy 2020 Cancellation

With heavy hearts, we hate to inform everyone that under the current circumstances, we feel we have no choice but to cancel Camp Joy for 2020.

Camp Joy consists of over 300 people on campus in close contact with one another (most of the time 6 inches apart definitely not 6 feet).  As you are aware, the current limitation for a gathering is 10 people.  We feel that in the next few weeks and months it could possibly get to 50 and then 100.  However, we feel the numbers allowed for a gathering of over 300 people will not take place by end of summer.  After much prayer, research and council, due to the requirements for social distancing and in concern for the well-being of the children, we feel there is no other option for this summer.  This was and still is a very hard decision to have to make and we are broken hearted it had to come to this.  Camp Joy is the highlight of the year for us and so many others.  Each year we look forward to seeing the returning campers and getting to know each new child.  God has blessed us so much over the past nine years with so many opportunities to minister and serve the children of our community. We can only look forward to the great things He is going to do next summer.

A day at Camp Joy is filled with fun, laughter, games and great times.  All this is possible because of the love of Jesus.  So this year we wanted to show you that love in a different way.  On Saturday, June 6th, from 9am to 11am, we will have a Camp Joy Parking Lot Parade at Piney Grove Baptist Church (28430 Pinedale Rd., Ardmore, AL) for all the campers.  Your parents will drive thru the parking lot and you will be greeted by some of the Camp Joy Staff.  We will have a bag for you that will include a t-shirt, sunglasses and many other goodies that you will enjoy.  Please mark your calendar to come see us.  This is our only opportunity to get to show you how much we love you this summer.  

We know that we serve a God that has everything under control.  Always remember that Jesus loves you and will never leave you no matter what you face in life.  As we challenge you each year at Camp Joy, remember to put Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.  That is the only way to find true JOY


Believing God’s Got This,

Tim, Angie and the Camp Joy Staff